Thank You Bike!Bike! 2017!
VéloCity wants to give a big thank you to everyone who was a part of Bike!Bike! Southeast 2017!
We had over 40 attendees, provided housing for 9, fed everyone all weekend, held 10+ workshops, and joined the Rolling Resistance WTF Alley Cat in DC. Community cycling advocates from around the country came to our space for learning, networking, and a fun on bikes.
Over the course of the past year, we raised well more than we spent on the event. All funds raised over our expenditures will support VéloCity Summer programming.
We had an incredible planning committee was involved in planning this event for months:
• Andy Bakker
• Bayley Vanderpoel
• Jerry Cowden
• Joe Davison
• Kyle Goodwill
• Marty Devine
• Paul Toler
• Rick LoGalbo
• Robin Frei
• Snehee Khandeshi
• Tom Morehouse
Sterling Stone of Gearin’ Up Bicycles gets a special thank you. He was a big part of the planning committee and allowed us to host an afternoon at his shop.
Check out pictures of the event here.
We also want to thank our incredible local donors for their support:
- Junction Bakery
- KAiZEN Tavern
- Kiskadee
- Let’s Meat on the Avenue
- M.E. Swing Company
- St. Elmo’s Coffee Pub
- Yoga in Daily Life
We can’t wait until Bike!Bike! Southeast 2018 at Colatown Bike Collective in Columbia, SC!