Bike Tune Up Service
Q: Can I come in and work on my own bike?
A: Yes! The Vélocity Alexandria shop at 2111 Mount Vernon Avenue has Open Shop Hours Wednesdays 6pm to 9pm, when you can work on your own bike using our tools, guidance, and low-cost parts if needed. No experience is necessary as long as you are actually able to do the work yourself. There is no cost for DIY service access but we ask for at least a $15 donation an hour to Vélocity Cooperative for the bicycle stand and tools used, plus any parts you might use in your repair. Most DIY tune-ups take about an hour per bicycle.
Q: How much to get my dusty bike in rideable shape?
A: Vélocity offers full tuneups for $75 not including any parts replacements, please see our Additional Repair Services page for more information.
Q: What is the turnaround time for bike repairs?
A: Anywhere from next day to a week during peak season.
Q: I’m having [_______] problem and hearing [_______] with my bike. Do you know what the problem is? How much does a repair like this run?
A: We can’t say for sure without you bringing the bike to the shop. Please refer all questions to the Vélocity shop manager at 703-549-1108.
Q: Can I sell my used bikes or parts to Vélocity Coop?
A: Sorry, Vélocity does not purchase used bicycles or parts. However, because of our 501c3 non-profit status, Vélocity Bicycle Cooperative can provide you a tax deductible receipt for any material or financial donations you wish to make.
Q: Do you require appointments?
A: Nope! 🙂
Q: Do you do mobile repairs?
A: Sorry, Vélocity Bicycle Cooperative currently does not have the capacity to support our customer base through mobile repairs. Vélocity does support bike rodeos where we visit local schools and affordable housing in underserved neighborhoods. For more information, please see the Community Services pages on the Vélocity website.
Bike Donations
Q: Does Vélocity take donations in any condition?
A: Yep!
Q: Does Vélocity pick up donations offsite?
A: Due to limited available time, Vélocity can only offer off-site pick-ups for lots of four (4) bikes or more.
Looking for a Specific Bike?
Q: I’m looking for hybrid in good shape. Does Vélocity have one?
A: The selection in the Vélocity Cooperative shop is constantly changing. Please feel free to call the shop (703-549-1108) to ask what bikes and sizes are currently available.
Q: How much for [_______] type bike?
A: Kid bikes typically range between $50-$150. Adult bikes typically range between $150-$400.
Q: Does Vélocity rent bikes?
A: Unfortunately the cost of liability insurance is prohibitive for the number of rentals Vélocity Cooperative might provide. You might try Unlimited Biking on Union Street in Old Town Alexandria, as they rent bikes. Else our used bikes are very reasonably priced and completely serivced. You could find a bargain awaits!
Packaging/Unpackaging Bicycles
Q: Can I mail a bike in a box to Vélocity to be assembled?
A: Yes! Assembling a new bicycle is $75 and consists of the same items as a full tune up. Please provide us with your phone number and we’ll call you when it’s ready to pick up. If the bike is not new (only has been partially disassembled for shipping) it will cost $45 as long as there is no tuning needed.
Q: Does Vélocity package and ship bicycles?
A: Vélocity will pack but not ship. If you would like us to help you, please bring a bike box and packing materials (you can get from any local bike shop) and Vélocity will then partially disassmble and pack it safely for travel. The cost is for this service is $45.
Is the Shop Open?
Q: Is Vélocity open on holidays?
A: You can find what holidays Vélocity is closed on yelp. We’ll also post a message on our Facebook page at least a day ahead of any planned closures.
Q: Is Vélocity open during inclement weather?
A: Vélocity posts notices on social media as soon as we determine we will be closing unexpectedly due to weather or closing for a period of time based upon other conditions. If staff are out temporarily, a sign will be posted in the window indicating when they will be returning.
Q: I’m interested in véloteering (volunteering). How do I get involved?
A: Thanks for your interest! We would love to have you join our team. Please visit the Véloteer with Vélocity page and complete the volunteer questionnaire. We’ll add your email to our véloteer list serve and send you options of how, where and when you can begin your participation. Hopefully we’ll see you very soon!
Q: What’s your address?
A: Our Alexandria shop is at 2111 Mount Vernon Avenue. It’s a bright orange building. Our Arlington Shop is at 2647 North Pershing Drive. Our warehouse is open by appointment only at 1502 Mount Vernon Avenue. It’s 6 blocks south of our Alexandria shop; the entrance is on the alley behind Al’s Steakhouse and the optometry shop.
Q: How do I serve community service hours?
A: Community service hours involve supporting our Shop Manager during the week. Typical activities include restocking shelves, putting donations away, answer basic customer questions, and may include minor bike repair based on your level of experience. Please call the shop manager at 703-549-1108.
Q: Do you have student/military/law enforcement discounts?
A: Sorry we don’t, although as part of our mission is to grow and empower a more inclusive biking community through affordability, we’ll work within your price range.
Q: Do you take credit cards?
A: Yep!
For all other questions, please contact one of the following POCs:
Vélocity Event questions involving bike rodeos, fundraisers, rides, and event promotions: Email
Vélocity Public/Private Partnership Opportunities: Email