Vélocity Bicycle Cooperative partners with organizations to further our mission to grow and empower an inclusive biking community through education and affordability.
Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washington
We’re committed to supporting the Boys and Girls Bicycle Club. Staff and Volunteers have a fleet of kids bikes onsite in which they take the boys and girls riding, after school. Vélocity is proud to maintain all bicycles. We provide full tune ups as needed, free of charge.
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Thanks to a grant through the Westminster Presbyterian Church, Vélocity is able to provide bicycle scholarships to homeless candidates in partnership with the Carpenter’s Shelter. Please see our Bicycle Scholarship Page for more information about our program.
Patrick Malone & Associates, PC
The Bike House
Gearin’ Up Bicycles
Phoenix Bikes
Mount Rainier Bicycle Co-Op
Local partner Bicycle Cooperatives
We support a number of joint bike rodeos throughout the year to increase access to bicycles.
Alexandria Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee
Vélocity partners closely with Alexandria BPAC through co-hosting bike rodeos at City of Alexandria schools, neighborhoods, and the Alexandria Boys and Girls Club. For more information, please see our Bike Rodeo Page.
Vélocity is committed to sustainability. That’s why we recycle everything we can to keep it out of the landfill. We partner with re-use artists TubularGear. We provide them with worn chains, cassettes, and other parts — they create art with them! Please see TubularGear’s website for more information.
Vélocity’s commitment to sustainability includes our partnership with BicycleTrash, a DC-based brand of durable goods and accessories. Vélocity provides an assortment of bicycle parts that can no longer be used in our bicycle projects, and BicycleTrash upcycles them into useful items! Please see BicycleTrash’s website for more information.
Carpenter’s Shelter
Vélocity Bicycle Cooperative is proud to provide bicycle scholarships to recipients staying at Carpenters Shelter. For more information, please see our Scholarship Program Page.