As-is Bicycle Sale December 5, 2021, 9am to Noon
Vélocity Bicycle Cooperative’s December As-is Bicycle Sale is Sunday, December 5th from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. We are opening our warehouse behind 1502 Mount Vernon Avenue for three hours only!
The warehouse is in the alley behind Al’s Steakhouse. Make sure to spot the Velocity flag, and bikes in the alley.
This As-is Sale will have of a wide variety of hybrids, mountain bikes, beach cruisers, kids bikes, and road bikes. Our As-is Bicycle sales differ from our typical sales because the majority of the bicycles will be sold needing a tune-up at the very least and have not yet been deemed rideable by our team. We encourage you to still swing by to see if there’s something for you!
This event will be held outdoors to protect everyone’s health and safety. The event has a mask requirement for all public and staff, even outdoors. This enables our staff to consult with you about bicycles, answer questions, and help you get a good fit on our bikes. Please stay home if you have recently tested positive for COVID-19 or are symptomatic.
Driving directions: there is parking on Mt. Vernon Ave and various side streets.
Metro directions: we’re about a half-mile walk from Braddock Rd. Metro station
Biking directions: there’s a Capital Bikeshare dock on Mt. Vernon Ave. in front of Al’s Steakhouse.
Please do not park in the alley.